Sunday, November 04, 2007

Here's the Latest...

I can appreciate it when someone changes their mind because they've been putting a lot of thought into something and that something continues to morph its way into something else...let me explain.
We met with Dr. Wells this week (Tessa's plastic surgeon) and he has yet again changed his mind on how he's going to repair her lip. He's on the 4th version of his "plan-of-attack". This tells me that he has been putting in some good hard thinking about Tessa and her lip repair. He wants the very best for her and it shows. So, here's his "latest" plan-of-attack:

On January 11 Dr. Wells will suture up Tessa's right lip...period.

He attempted this in the first surgery, however it came apart one week later. (The left side is still sutured together.) The reason the right side came apart is because it is quite a bit wider than the left side, so ther was quite a bit of tension on the lip. This time he's going to use more skin/tissue inside her mouth. This, in turn, will stretch out her lip so when he does do the full repair, it won't be as tight of an upper lip. Does this make sense? The next step, after the right side has healed, is to completely close the entire lip in ONE the time she turns 1. *We'll let you know if this changes again. :)*

Because of the late scheduling for the surgery, we are able to go back to Michigan for Christmas! Yeah!!! Tessa's first ever white (God willing) Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean we get to go sledding for Tessa's first white christmas? That would make some great video. Yeah! Michigan friends suffering through the cold with us...we'll be there the 27th throught eh 4th fo Jan.
Love the pumpkin pictures!
Love, kelli

Anonymous said...

Mark, Al, and Tessa,

What an interconnected world. Sounds like you've had the good fortune to be in contact with the VanderWaals; great people, it's wonderful to call them family. And the next thing I know, I bump into Al's mom at the bakery on a "Daddy daughter date" with my Lauren. She showed me pictures of your Tessa. Adorable!

Since we keep a steady eye on the Vdub family blog, I happened upon a link that swept me over to yours. And it's certainly great to be here. All this said, I just had to say hello.

Geez, I haven't seen you since Calvin, Al. And I've never met you, Mark and Tessa. Life gets busy with fun stuff, doesn't it? All I know for sure is that I'm doing better than I deserve. (I guess Calvinists can say such things amongst friends.) :) I can tell from a brief scan of your notes, that things are grand with the Fieldhouses as well. I love hearing that old friends count their blessings too.

So... all the best to the Fieldhouses from myself, my lovely wife Anne, my angel Lauren Elizabeth (age 4), and the Big Dutchman, Luke Solomon (almost 2).

God bless you all.

Seth, Annie, Lauren, and the Luke Bushouse

Iris's blog said...

Happy Birthday~
Mrs.Fieldhouse~! I love you and I will continue pray for you and Mark and Tessa~!
Please e-mail me someday~!
Lets talk more in e-mail.~!

Anonymous said...

We're around during Christmas, and Ryan is taking some vacation, so we'll definitely have some time for a lingering breakfast, lunch or dinner. Tessa's almost as tall as Tryg at 17 months! It will be fun to see the two of them together in another month. Great to get the updates.