Monday, March 24, 2008

Great House Guests!

We were fortunate enough to be the "hub" for the Budds while they were down here visiting from Portland. They had a memorial service to attend and lots of family to spend time with, so we got to hang out with them mostly at night and in the morning...what a treat!
One of my high-lights was roasting marshmallows (first of many bonfires of the season).
Another reason that night was a high-light was because Dave Budd caught my nasty creature...that's right, he grabbed it right off the wood pile and they he and Mark got a bucket so they could show kind. :) Anyway, my "lizard" wasn't a lizard, it was a SKINK. I think it's part of the lizard family, but it resembles a snake as well as a lizard (especially in the way it moves, slithers...yuck!) So, I thought I'd show you all a picture. Dave and Ellen let it go across the street, far far away from our house. Thanks guys!
Taking a walk to the Farmer's Market
Swinging on the swingset next to our house. :)
R-L Ellen, Tessa, Isaiah
Mark and Dave took the scooters out for a ride, we all took a fieldtrip to Lakeshore (one of Isaiah's and Sarah's favorite stores).
The Budds (minus Brennan)
Roastin' Marshmallows
You'd think I'd feel sorry for it, nope. Doesn't it look a lot like a wonder I was terrified. Guess how we knew it was mine? :)
Dave inherited this from the woman who died...I was actually quite impressed with his ability to carry a tune. :)


Sarah said...

you beat me to it! my post on you guys doesn't come out for a coupla days. but it was such great fun to be able to hang out with you guys again! thanks again!

Megan said...

Oh Allison! That lizard/snake/monster is horrible! I am so glad it was caught!