Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Precious Moments

Did your parents collect these when you were growing up?  On a regular, basis new ones would come out and they would run out and purchase them,  come home stick them on a shelf, and then store the box somewhere.  Your parents would explain that some were worth more than others and which ones were rare.  And don't you dare touch one of them either.  Now they sit in my parent's backyard storage shed.

When dating Allison and the first few years of marriage, we would visit with my grandpa and grandma in Michigan.  When you walked into their place there were two wooden gliding rocking chairs right next to each other.  We would sit and talk about various things while they would hold hands while rocking.  My grandpa would say as they were rocking, that they referred to it as their precious moments.  That comment always stuck with me.

As Tessa is sitting in surgery my two other girls and Allison are eating ice cream, watching a movie all cozy next to each other on the couch, staying up way too late,  hoping for an update on how things are progressing over here.  Getting a text from Molly right before she ended up falling asleep to see if there are any updates on her sister longer than expected surgery. Thanks again Allison for letting me be creepy by letting me have a camera in the house so that I do not miss anything at home while we are gone. 

Sitting in a chair next to her bed exhausted while holding Tessa’s hand as she catches short little cat naps here and there.  Getting a firm squeeze every five minutes or so as she anticipates the need to swallow knowing it will be painful.  Helping hold her hair back and rubbing her back as she tries to throw up in the bathroom. This has been a long journey but I cannot imagine being anywhere else right now.  These are the precious moments I like.


Anonymous said...

Bless you all thanks for the updates

Jen Scholte said...

Precious moments indeed. Praying for Tessa and her recovery and you all as you're apart and as you take care of her!

The Igos said...

Love you guys

Anonymous said...

I couldn’t ask for a better husband! A little creepy but pretty stinkin’ amazing!!!🥰 Thanks for caring so well for our girl!

Don & Nancy Vander Velde said...

We are praying for your sweet Tessa & her family.

Sarah Budd said...

This is beautiful. Creepy and beautiful. :)