Dad and I left LAX on Thursday afternoon around 12:35 p.m. Somehow, we traveled through time and space at a rate that landed us in Taipei, Taiwan at 4:30 p.m. on Friday. On the 13-hour plane ride, we were served 2 meals, 2 snacks, and a ton of soda.
You might be thinking that the Fieldhouse family are expert travelers. And we are, but only if it includes a big blue van, some sunflower seeds, and a questionable place to park in the middle of the night (usually a Walmart parking lot).
My dad loves to drive, so we don't fly a lot of places. No planes=no airports. However, contrary to popular belief, we're able to navigate LAX International like professional travelers, even though we've never left America or flown overseas.
It sounds like we picked the right day to travel, because the next day there was apparently a worldwide fiasco that cancelled a lot of flights. Let's call it "professional traveler's intuition".
After we landed, we navigated our way through customs, picked up our luggage, and attempted to exchange our currency so we could buy a metro card to get on a train to go to our very fancy hotel (side note: I can count on one hand how many times I've slept in a hotel room, so this trip was the pinnacle of luxury. Good thing there aren't any Walmarts in Taiwan). After much trial and error (a.k.a finding an ATM that spoke English), we were able to exchange some money and purchase a metro card (for those of you that don't know, 1 USD=32 TWD.).
As soon as we stepped outside, the humidity hit us like a bucket of hot water. It felt like we had entered the Amazon rainforest. It was ridiculously hot, and the moisture made it feel even hotter. Good thing the sun wasn't up!
We got to our hotel room at around 7:30 and promptly fell asleep.
Thus concludes our first day abroad in Taiwan.
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