Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Present...I guess

I finally talked Mark into getting some sort of family photo taken of the 3 of us for my Mother's Day present. Mark agreed under one condition...he got to pick the outfits. What kind of husband requests this????? After hearing his suggestions, it seemed as though he had been planning this for a really long time. Let's just say that you would have gotten a good laugh if you were our neighbors. Anyway, after rolling my eyes...I submitted (despite his "choice" selection of clothing).
Our neighbor, Nathan, is a semi-professional photographer and threw a photo shoot together in about 10 minutes. With a hand full of chocolate chips, Tessa did amazingly well! He said he would try to get us the proofs later on this week. He's getting a new photo-editing program on Wednesday so that's why we have to patiently wait for the outcome. From what we saw of the photos, they turned out pretty good. We're excited to see how this new program will "polish us up"...Mark wanted to know if the new program had a "bigger muscle button" in the new program. I guess we'll wait and see. :) We'll share them when we get them.