Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Home Owners!

Happy Home-Owners
Signing the papers (what's that? Allison's multi-tasking???)

So this is our new house...isn't she charming? :) We've been here for about a week and a half now and we are loving it! So much to do, but loving it. We live across the street from our dear friends Ryan & Rachel and their 3 boys, we live around the corner from our friends, Keith & Taffy and their 3 boys, and our friends Preston and Angie (and their 4 kids) are about 90 % sure that they are moving 2 doors down from us! I know, amazing. :) We are blessed!!! Our girls are even more blessed, quite the pool of boys to choose from. ;)
Anyway, lots has been going on...I'm still trying to manage life with 2 kids (it takes me a little bit longer than the average person...multi-tasking has always been a challenge for me), we just moved, unpacking is taking a bit longer than I would like, and I'm still addicted to Craigslist...gotta furnish the place, ya know???
So, if you were wondering why I haven't updated our blog, that's why. Oh, one more thing, our camera seems to continually get misplaced/, poor Molly hasn't been getting the camera time she deserves. She's 3 months now and growing chubbier by the day. What a precious gift she is/has been to all of us! Smiles that melt our hearts, laid back personality (we can only hope that continues...big sister Tessa doesn't quite fit that description), wonderful feeder, no complaints. God knows what I can handle...He made me the way I am...not the best multi-tasker. :)
We'd love for any of you to drop on by!
Today in our new kitchen...Molly was making the cutest noises!


Sarah said...

lovely! how awesome to have so many friends so close!

Nadelhoffer said...

Congrats! I'm so happy for you to be surrounded by friends since you're so far away from family. And Molly and Tessa look so cute! Is Molly going to have dark blue or even green eyes? Thanks for updating!

Scott and Susan Vanden Berg said...

Great place, guys!! Remind me where Laurel St. is...