Just in case some of you don't know this about me (Allison here), I have had the opportunity to teach a class called Wilderness Challenge at Valley Christian for the past 9 years. Obviously my role has changed since having Tessa and not teaching at the school, I'm just thankful that I still get to be involved. :)
We had quite a trip this past weekend. We camped at a beautiful place called Leo Carrillo State Beach in Malibu, CA. We had an amazing weekend planned for the students. Friday was going to consist of 3 stations....rock climbing at a gorgeous location called Pt. Dume, kayaking in the surf at Leo Carrillo, and then hiking in the mountains around camp. What fun! However, the weather took a turn for the worse the day we left. Bummer. Rain the entire time we were there. What is this??? We have been so spoiled all winter long out here. Sunny and 80 degree weather. Spoiled. This weekend, however, we got a taste of reality.
Our plans had to change, quick. Like my good friend Jeff Westrup always says, "Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not break." Amen!
My prayer for the weekend was mostly focused on the students. We had a group of 32 high schoolers who don't see a whole lot of rain...God, give them good attitudes!
He blessed this weekend. It was amazing. The students were awesome. We were ALL flexible. And I think we all had fun...IN THE RAIN!!!!
(One of the girls even THANKED God FOR the rain!)
Anyway, here are some of the pictures thanks to my friend Dan. I rarely bring my camera on these trips...no time to snap photos!
Finding Sunshine in the Rain. Not so tough for you, Cookie!
what a fun trip- i wish i could have gone!!
looks like a fun time was had despite the rain.
i miss wilderness challenge! and i miss you!
I wish they had wilderness challenge while I was at Valley...but I do not think I would have liked rock climbing very much. Mr. Westrup (Jeff) rocks, I loved going on Mexico trips with him.
Kristin (Grudt) Hallett
i heard about this trip from a few of the girls who came to calvin the weekend after... they said that it was fun despite the rain.
and the new shirts look pretty sweet from what i can see in the pic!
are there any more trips this year?
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