Friday, November 13, 2009

Fall Color Trip

What a blessing it is to have a husband who encourages his wife to go out and travel...of course, first I have to find a great deal on airfare. Well, I've been longing to experience a true fall season (it has been years since I've seen REAL colors and such a plethora of them as well!), so I thought it would be fun to take one last mother/daughter vacation before our family of 3 turns into a family of 4. We had such a lovely time with my parents! We didn't have much time, but what we had we thoroughly enjoyed. :) Whenever I'm in Holland I feel so at home and it would be so great to go and knock on all my friend's doors to just say "hi". Someday.
Here are some pictures capturing our time in Holland, MI:

Downtown Farmer's Market

Apple Pickin' with Great-Grandpa

Holland Aquatic Center

Hanging out with Grandma in the backyard...what fun!

Teusink's Pony Farm

Picture with Great-Grandpa....someone's not very happy to be posing for a pic.
Now we're in a better drinks after a chilly walk.
Hmmm...Can you smell the fall leaves? The crisp air?


Anonymous said...

mercy sakes a livin. thank you for the update. :-)

Megan said...

Hahaha I don't know the person who wrote the first comment but I would like to be friends with her/him. That cracked me up. Now, onto the post! What a fun trip! Michigan looks so beautiful, as do you and Tessa. Now, not to sound ungrateful for the post because I am VERY glad for the update, but I am requesting a picture of your belly in all of it's glory. That's right, side view, standing up, no Tessa in front of you! So there you go. It can be my Christmas present. :) HOPEFULLY I will get to see the belly in person soon enough but just in case ... :) You guys are awesome!

Nadelhoffer said...

THANKS for the update! I agree with "Anonymous" and the Mercy Sakes a Livin. Anyway, adorable pictures. Your parents look the exact same. They look great. I cherish the times I'm back home, too. Oh, and I love that the Golf Channel is on the TV in the background!