Sunday, December 20, 2009

Introducing Baby Fieldhouse

Well, baby Fieldhouse has finally arrived... We are really excited about the new addition to our family. We asked Tessa to pick between blue or pink panties the night before and she nailed it. Big sister's intuition. We have thoroughly enjoyed not knowing the sex of the baby for the last 9 monthes, but it was sure hard waiting this last week. Allison starting getting regular strong contractions around 7 after a short walk and things began to quickly progress. Allison finished the laundry while Mark packed for the hospital. Shortly after 9 we thought that Allison's water broke so we hung out till the contractions were about 2 minutes apart and then called in Mark's mom to hold down the fort. (We waited a while because we did not want to be turned away like we almost were with Tessa.) Once we arrived things moved along quite quickly. Allison was dialated to a 7, the doctor was called and then Allison began upchucking everywhere. Nurses were scrambling looking for anything to catch the projectile but they were unsuccessful. Shortly after Allison got her epideral everything in the world became right. 45 minutes later the baby was out. We just want to pause right here and tell everyone how much we love our Dr. Bustillo. He is the most down to earth Dr. and has a great sense of humor. He got all dressed up in his gear scooted up to Allison and said "Dr. Bustillo, at your cervix." Mark had a good chuckle at that. He offered up to Mark that he could help as much as he wanted to but Mark has the flu right now and did not stand during the whole labor. We were thankful that baby did not come the night before when Mark was one with the toilet ready to pass out and shortly after crawling on his hands and knees into the bathtub to take a cold bath. Mark has been very appreciative of Allison tending to his every need and watching Tessa full time while he was barely able to move from the couch the past two days. Mark felt at times that he was being attended to more than Allison was. Well, three contractions later baby was eagerly welcomed into the world.
Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement throughout this whole pregnancy & labor!

We have narrowed it down to two names finally!!!


Nadelhoffer said...

Congrats! So sorry you got sick and that Mark was sick, but what a beautiful baby girl! (tears) She is absolutely an angel. (more tears) So proud of you!
Oh - and Matthew and Libby didn't have names until day 1.5 in the hospital. No worries.

Anonymous said...

Well, was it a boy or girl!?!?? The post never says...

August Herrema said...

Congratulations!!!! What a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing! She is beautiful and we are so happy for you guys. We'll miss seeing you this Christmas. COngrats!!


Anonymous said...

Dr. Bustillo is the best! and I think it is great he has delivered all us cusins! Congrats you two...and you think you are soooo funny keepin' the sex from us...we will get you back...someday...somehow!!!!

Megan said...

Look at all of that hair! SO beautiful! Can't wait to hear the name :) We will continue praying for a smooth transition for all four of you and for good health!!! Love you everyone!

Chrissy Padilla said...

You guys are so funny! I've been checking your blog every chance I have internet.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your new little addition!

Nadelhoffer said...

I just have to comment again. LOVE the hair!

kmellana said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to meet the little one!

April said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to hearing that special name!

Allensville said...

WOW, she's one gorgeous baby! Congratulations, Fieldhouse Family. Allison, you did an amazing job. :) Three pushes, sheesh! You are AWESOME!!!

Angela said...

congratulations mark and allison!!! she's adorable! i'm sure tessa will be a stellar older sister! hope you all start feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Precious bundle sent from above - congratulations to Mommy, Daddy and big sister Tessa! Molly Grace - how pretty is that name?!? We have an Olivia Grace and she is a true "princess" as I bet you think both of your little girls are.

Dee and Randy

Anonymous said...

hey Allison I found your blog from Angies blog and I see you have another beautiful daughter! Congratulations!