Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sweet Tooth

We've got a real sweet tooth on our hands and I'm afraid potty training has helped encourage this unfortunate issue. This is how sweet our sweet tooth has gotten:

(Let me begin by letting you know that Tessa just finished a 10 day antibiotic that tastes a lot like bubble gum...she LOVED it!)

"Mommy, I want more of my bubble gum medicine".
Tessa, it's all gone, we finished it up this're all better now!
"I eat more candy so my tummy doesn't feel good, then I get more bubble gum medicine."
I laugh.
"Why you laughing?"
I can't wait to tell your daddy what you just said. :)


danielle said...

what a cutie! i can't belive how fast time has gone and how big she has gotten.
i hope you are doing well and feeling great.
maybe we can get together and catch up someday. :)

Megan said...

Her logic really is irrefutable. :)